Monday, December 26, 2005


But Muttu you put the chocolate in my stocking!!

Err… Yes…



There’s no real Santa is there?

I’m not sure.


Baby I don’t know if there is a Santa or not. And you have no way of knowing either. But your stocking is full isn’t it? Do you know what that means?


It means someone loves you enough to fill it. Your very own personal Santa. Someone cared. Someone made the effort. Isn’t that more than your stocking can hold?

YES!! Thank you… which one should we eat first?

Fruit and nut… I have a particular fondness for those …

Merry Christmas.

[Dorothy this was for you…(notice the title fit so well no?) one of my favouritest memories of my grandfather. Had we been together I would have loved to fill your stocking up, so lets just say my blog is your stocking… since you come here looking for my random stream of “consciousness writing”]


Psyche said...

Hey....lovely post... Dont know how I landed here (I never remember, coz I jump around so much). I certainly didnt get the part abt the title.

Lovely post, still

thebootlebumtrinket said...

I dont know what I would have filled your stocking with. But I do know that I wish I'd hugged you more when you were here. So as it makes as much sense to put hugs in stockings as it does to mail them, here they are

magicfarawaytree said...
